„Gullkistuvíkin” par-3 5. brautin á Brautarholtsvelli – ein besta par-3 hola á Norðurlöndum skv. „The Finest” og völlurinn í 40. sæti skv. hinu virta Golf Digest!!!. Brautarholtið er í uppáhaldi hjá Huldu Clöru. Mynd: Golf 1
Ragnheiður Jónsdóttir | January. 4. 2018 | 15:00

FJ releases an ad made on Icelandic golf courses

In order to test if every day can truly be playable, FJ took four golfers and a full range of products to the remote golf destination of Iceland.

Featuring volatile weather conditions and spectacular golf courses, Iceland proved to be the perfect test for the players and the products.

The courses in Iceland the add was shot at was the spectacular golf course on the Westman Islands on one hand and the Brautarholt golf course north of Reykjavík on the other.

Brautarholt is Iceland´s latest golf course, whereas the golfclub on the Westman Islands is the countries 3rd oldest club, founded on December 4th 1938 and will thus celebrate its 80th anniversary this year.

Only the golf clubs in Reykjavík (1934) and Akureyri (1935) are older.

To see FJ´s add CLICK HERE: