Ragnheiður Jónsdóttir | February. 7. 2018 | 03:00

About the PGA of Iceland

Until 1988, there were almost exclusively English golf teachers in Iceland. The exception was Thorvald Ásgeirsson who had been involved in golf for years.
The golf teachers who came to Iceland to teach had common ground in great competition and they were interested in competing under the banner of Iceland. It was the catalyst that brought John Drummond, Reyjavík Golf Club (1984 – 1991), David Barnwell, Akureyri Golf Club (1986 – still in operation in Iceland) and Phill Hunter, Regional Golf Club (1986-1996), together and they began to discuss the establishment of PGA Iceland. They formed the PGA of Iceland in the winter of 1988.
The PGA Golf Teachers’ College and GSI was introduced in spring 2006 and follows all of the requirements of the PGAs of Europe. 30 experts have taught at the school.
The program is divided into two main parts, Sport and Golf Components. Students must have a minimum handicap – men and women by 5.4 and 7.4 respectively – in order to start learning. Also, students must submit rounds played in approved tournaments where low scores are shown.
The first Golf Teachers College students graduated May 10, 2008, and added 11 new PGA golf instructors in Iceland, in which there are now 55 full PGA golf instructors.
Icelanders who are members of the 62 Golf Clubs in Iceland are now 16602.
The PGA of Iceland has its own homepage which you can see by CLICKING HERE:

The above written article is taken from the following website: http://www.pgae.com/members/pga-of-iceland/