AUGUSTA, GEORGIA – APRIL 08: Tiger Woods of the United States looks on from the 18th green during the continuation of the weather delayed second round of the 2023 Masters Tournament at Augusta National Golf Club on April 08, 2023 in Augusta, Georgia. (Photo by Christian Petersen/Getty Images)
Ragnheiður Jónsdóttir | apríl. 9. 2023 | 12:00

Masters 2023: Tiger dró sig úr Masters!

Tiger Woods dró sig úr Masters 2023 vegna meiðsla, sem tóku sig upp hjá honum núna í gær, eftir 7 spilaðar holur af 3. hring..

Hann tilkynnti um fyrirætlan sína að draga sig úr Masters  á Twitter:

I am disappointed to have to WD this morning due to reaggravating my plantar fasciitis. Thank you to the fans and to

who have shown me so much love and support. Good luck to the players today!

Tiger var búinn að spila á (74 73) og rétt slapp gegnum niðurskurð, sem er bara býsna fínt hjá honum!!!!